During the overhaul, the building groups are dismantled and assessed one by one. The parts that are ordered will be replaced, the condition of the dismantled parts is assessed and, if necessary, a report will be made with required replacements for the next overhaul.
After everything has been repaired and replaced, all assemblies are reassembled and adjusted. The machine then undergoes an extensive test to check whether everything functions correctly and the seams meet the required specifications. Finally, our technicians supervise the test run and start-up of the line before it is handed over to the customer.
In addition to the standard overhaul plan, we can also provide support for drawing up a MYOP. With a MYOP, a plan is drawn up for complete maintenance cycle in which the entire machine is overhauled. Depending on the machine, this is usually a 4-, 6- or 8-year maintenance plan.
With this MYOP you have an overview of the overhaul work for several years, which allows a clear cost estimate to be made for the maintenance budget.
Overhauls can take place at your location or in our workshop, whichever suits you best. Our team is ready for it.